Finding Your Way

A Heart-Centered Approach to Finding Hope
and Healing After Loss

A Grief Refuge support program for anyone dealing with grief from a death related loss.

Registration is now closed. Fill out the form to join the waitlist.

Does this sound like your grief journey?

You feel like you’ve been “doing everything right” since your loss, but you still aren’t where you want to be…

You long for hope and healing but it still feels so very far away…

You feel alone in your grief…

Our Finding Your Way program can help guide you on your journey.

Navigating the uncharted emotional terrain of your grief can be overwhelming.

Especially when your friends and family are unable to provide the support you need.

We believe you shouldn’t have to suffer or struggle alone.

Our Finding Your Way program can help you be with your grief in an authentic, kind and compassionate way.

You’re invited to participate in this groundbreaking program. Our next start date is September 5th at 8pm ET / 5pm PT

What makes this program special?

A heart-centered approach

“Grief is a spiritual and emotional experience, and while it responds to awareness, it can’t be controlled by logic.”

Dr. Alan Wolfelt, Author and Grief Expert

We created the Finding Your Way program based on the idea that to be with your grief, your heart must be in charge.

When the heart is in charge, there are no linear processes to complete, no attachments to outcomes, and no rewards for speed.

Our heart-centered approach involves embracing, experiencing, and expressing your feelings of grief in a way that fully addresses all aspects of your wellbeing— physically, emotionally, cognitively, spiritually, and socially.

Finding Your Way is designed to create a safe space within - from which a harmonious balance of emotions can flow. This safe space is created for both your loss and your healing.

Growth is never forced or required in our group because healing and growth happens on your own time, in your own way, and at your own pace— which we honor and never judge.

Our heart-centered approach teaches you how to be with your grief and how to listen to your heart’s voice.

“Perhaps the most central truth I have learned over the years is that healing in grief is heart-based, not head-based. Modern therapies sometimes separate the mind from the heart; it’s as if we should somehow be able to rationally think through our grief.”

Dr Alan Wolfelt, Author and Grief Expert

The Heart Needs a Safe Place to Heal

When you’re learning how to let your heart take the lead, you need a safe place to practice. A place where you can gain confidence as you discover and begin to use your new coping skills both in class and in your daily life.

All while being supported by experienced guides and in the company of others who are also grieving and practicing the same skills.

That’s how our Finding Your Way program provides a safe environment where you can authentically express your full spectrum of emotions. Doing so allows you to emerge transformed.

“Our grief, though naturally difficult, is a source of energy within us. When we outwardly mourn, we unleash this amazing healing force.”

Dr Alan Wolfelt, Author and Grief Expert

Starting on September 5th, 2023, this program brings together the best of all worlds distilled into a practical toolkit, delivered in a safe community.

You’ll bond with your fellow participants and benefit from their continued support long after the program has ended.

And you’ll use the knowledge, skills, and techniques you learn for a lifetime.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves…

So, let’s fill in the details of where the material inside the program comes from, and who delivers it.

Foundation and Source Material

The rich educational content of our Finding Your Way program is carefully curated from credible sources to offer you the best of the best in terms of a whole-person, heart-centered approach to navigating grief and loss.

Built upon the work of Dr. Alan Wolfelt, each weekly module in the program expands upon key takeaways from his book, Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing in Your Heart.

In this foundational book, Wolfelt describes grief as a wilderness and identifies ten touchstones which serve as trail markers to let you know you’re on the right path to healing.

“When you learn to identify and rely on the touchstones, you will not get lost in your journey… If you strive to follow these ten touchstones, I believe you can and will find your way out of the wilderness of your grief, and … learn to make the most of the rest of your precious days here on earth.”

Dr. Alan Wolfelt, Author and Grief Expert

The companion Understanding Your Grief Journal asks you follow-up questions to what you are learning from the book and in group. It invites you to consider, clarify and jot down your thoughts and feelings. This journal is a safe place for solace – somewhere you can express yourself no matter what.

This journal and its companion book will help you understand and embrace your grief, actively mourn, and move toward healing. You’ll be encouraged to write as much or as little as you’d like. Even just a little engagement with this journal will help you befriend your grief and give you healing momentum.

Healing is Possible - Meet Your Program Facilitators

Yes, healing is possible with the help of trusted facilitators. Let’s learn a little about who will guide you and walk beside you as you learn and practice using the ten touchstones.

The three caring souls who facilitate this program offer a collective 60+ years of experience in supporting, nurturing, and caring for those who have experienced loss.

Each of our facilitators has a deep, personal experience with grief and mourning.

  • Garrick Colwell, Grief Support Facilitator


    Garrick Colwell has a 30+ year history of involvement with hospice. He has served as a hospice volunteer and a hospital chaplain. Garrick and his late wife Kinsloe co-created Kitchen Table Conversations, a non-profit dedicated to education and resources for empowering people to have end-of-life conversations with loved ones and health care providers and to legally document their wishes to ensure their choices are honored and respected. As he grieved and mourned the loss of Kinsloe, Garrick decided to support others who suffered the loss of a loved one. Garrick is a Certified Grief Educator through David Kessler and He also holds a certificate in Death and Grief Studies from The Center of Loss and Life Transition under the direction of Dr Alan Wolfelt.

  • Patty Reis, Grief Support Facilitator


    Patty Reis is a gifted communicator and connector of people. She is a caring soul who has sunk to the depths of despair and climbed her way back out. She has since found a way to reach thousands of grieving hearts with compassion and support by speaking, leading grief groups, and facilitating weekend retreats. Patty sought out answers along her own grief journey after her two oldest children were tragically murdered on New Year’s Day 2012. She went on to obtain certificates from the H. Norman Wright Institute of Grief, Crisis and Trauma Counseling; Dr. Alan Wolfelt’s Center for Loss and Life Transition, and David Kessler’s Grief Educator training.

  • Reid Peterson, Grief Refuge Founder


    Reid Peterson is the Founder and Creator of Grief Refuge, where he offers tools of all types to help the grieving find peace and purpose after loss. Reid holds a master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology and is certified in Death & Grief Studies by the Center for Loss & Life Transition. Reid has facilitated grief support groups, developed grief support programs, and designed grief education curriculum since 2019. Reid lost his father to suicide in 2006 and his stepfather to cancer in 2016.

Together, Garrick, Patty, and Reid bring a wealth of knowledge and experience from chaplaincy, counseling, companioning, and psychology to every interaction with you.

This dream-team of grief navigators is qualified to guide you through our unique and effective program.

Now that you know a bit about the facilitators, let’s take a closer look at the details of the program itself.

Here’s How the Program Works

The Finding Your Way program is a 12-week immersive experience for learning, connecting, participating, and healing.

The program begins September 5th, 2023 and completes November 21st, 2023.

Throughout every session, you’ll be guided by the most current and effective evidence based and time-tested information, tools and techniques for coping with grief. You’ll also be able to experience, practice, and master the tools and methods that work best for you.

When you complete the program, you’ll have the confidence and fresh perspective you need to renew your hope and find peace and healing.

During the 12-week program, you’ll begin to integrate your grief in a way that balances progress and growth with authentic emotional expression. We do this through a combination of weekly sessions, outside process work and interim support.

Weekly Sessions

Each week, you’ll attend a 90-minute Zoom call where an in-depth, experiential, learning session is delivered on a relevant grief-related topic based on Dr. Alan Wolfelt’s Ten Touchstones and infused with additional information and wisdom. 

The lessons are lovingly created and delivered by Garrick Colwell and Patty Reis.

Weekly real-time Zoom calls present the relevant information and set the stage for journal entries and personal reflection between sessions. 

Safe Container

Each weekly Zoom call represents a safe space for expressing emotions, as well as discussing grief, mourning, and growth.

This is not a self-study program. Due to the intimacy of the group and the space that’s created for authentic emotional expression during each call, the calls are not recorded. Therefore, the program requires a commitment to attend the weekly live calls.

Book and Journal

As a program participant, you’ll receive a copy of Dr. Alan Wolfelt’s book, Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart, along with the companion Understanding Your Grief Journal: Exploring the Ten Essential Touchstones.

Personal Reflection and Practice

Each week, you’ll receive journal prompts along with ideas for thought, reflection, and discussion outside of the session. You will also be encouraged to take your newly found coping skills and use them in your daily life.

Support In-Between Sessions

If comfortable, you’ll be partnered with a fellow program participant to provide one another support and/or accountability in-between our weekly Zoom sessions. 

Here’s a glimpse into the content of each session:

Session 1 – Getting to Know You

The program’s inaugural session lays the groundwork for how each session will flow. We will take time to get to know one another. You’ll learn how to use the book, the journal, and other materials you’ll receive in the program. And you’ll discover how to avoid fitting your experience into the touchstones… instead, you’ll practice fitting the touchstones to your experience. You will also learn how to set your intention to heal. 

In Session 1 you’ll learn:

  • Tools for surviving the early days of acute grief

  • Background for reframing understanding as surrendering

  • What it means to heal our hearts and find hope

  • The differences between faith and spirituality

  • Companioning vs treating

  • How to own and honor your personal journey through grief

  • How to set your intention to heal

Session 2 - Open to The Presence of Your Loss

The second session focuses on setting an intention to heal. The notion of healing is rooted firmly in the understanding that grief is not a disease to be treated.

In Session 2 you’ll learn:

  • How to dose your pain so it doesn’t overwhelm you

  • The importance of reconciling your grief

  • There is no reward for speed

  • How to own your grief

  • What “doing well” with your grief actually means

Session 3 – Dispel A Dozen Misconceptions About Grief

Session 3 reveals 12 misconceptions about grief and helps dispel them. Importantly, this deep dive into the realities of grief and mourning helps us set realistic expectations. This session introduces the Grief Rule Book. Time is devoted to working with fellow participants in breakout sessions to master these concepts.

In session 3, you’ll explore in depth:

  • The differences between grief and mourning

  • Your new self-identity

  • Why “getting over” your grief is not the goal

  • How grief is forever, and why that’s not a bad thing

Session 4 - Embrace the Uniqueness of Your Grief

There are at least 12 reasons why your grief is yours and yours alone; each of us who is grieving is having a completely unique and individual experience. By exploring each of these reasons in detail, you can begin shifting the focus of your thoughts from “why” to “what” to “what now.”

In Session 4, you’ll explore how certain factors make your experience unique:

  • Relationships

  • Personalities

  • Cultural background

  • Religious/spiritual background

  • Circumstances surrounding the death

  • Your own life circumstances

  • Concurrent stresses

  • Ritual

Session 5 - Explore the Feelings of Your Loss

This session is especially helpful in identifying your feelings and framing them as normal consequences of your experience. Whether you’re feeling in shock, disbelief, denial, regret, guilt, or something else entirely, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of your feelings and what to do about them. Best of all, you’ll get to practice acknowledging and witnessing your fellow participants’ feelings.

In session 5 you’ll learn:

  • How to identify the boundaries of normal grief and clinical depression

  • The difference between relief and release

  • How your experience of any given feeling in grief follows a cycle

  • Thoughts on the popular term “resilience”

  • What it means to experience a dark night of the soul

Session 6 - Understand the Six Needs of Mourning

In this session, you’ll learn what the Six needs of Mourning are, and how to journey with them. You’ll explore which of the needs feels most prominent in your grief right now, and whether you are struggling with one of the needs more than others. 

It’s worth mentioning again Wolfelt’s belief that you can love well and live well when you can mourn well. Mourning well begins with being able to identify your needs. When you can articulate your needs, you can ensure your needs are met.

In Session 6 you will learn the Six Needs of Mourning: 

  1. Acknowledge the reality of the death

  2. Embrace the pain of the loss

  3. Remember the person who died

  4. Developing a new self-identity

  5. Search for meaning

  6. Let others help you – now and always

Session 7 - Recognize You Are Not Crazy

This valuable session identifies the experiences in grief that may make you think you’re losing your mind—from time distortion to feelings of powerlessness, to experiences of grief bursts, mystical encounters, and vivid dreams, to suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, mood changes, and more. 

You’ll emerge from Session 7 with the confidence to release all doubt and conclude that you’re not crazy; you’re grieving.

Session 8 – Nurture Yourself

Good self-care is a necessary and important gift you learn to give yourself on your journey through grief.

In Session 8, you’ll learn how to: 

  • Administer first aid to a broken heart

  • Nurture yourself holistically – physically, cognitively, emotionally, spiritually, and socially

  • Know that you are worthy of the gift of self-care

Session 9 - Reaching Out for Help

Finding others who are able to support you along your grief journey can be a challenge. In this session you’ll learn how to find support that’s right for you.

In Session 9 you’ll learn how to:

  • Find a grief support group and determine if it’s helpful

  • Find a good grief counselor and feel confident about how long you should stay with them

  • Identify and get help for complicated grief

Session 10 – Seek Reconciliation, Not Resolution

This session explores a topic that may sound trivial at first, but actually shines a light on a profound distinction that shapes your perception of healing. In this session we’ll talk in detail about the very big difference between reconciliation and resolution. 

As a result, you’ll learn how to manage your expectations and not be attached to outcomes. 

You’ll leave the session with a Signs of Reconciliation Checklist to help you stay on track.

Session 11 – Appreciate Your Transformation

This session brings all the touchstones full circle in a way that helps you recognize and appreciate how much you’ve changed and grown on your grief journey. 

In Session 11, you’ll explore:

  • Six ways to define and identify growth

  • Your responsibility to live

  • How to nourish your transformed soul

  • How to do the work… today and tomorrow

Session 12 - Checking In

The twelfth and final session will give you sufficient time to anchor in and further integrate your transformation. 

This session is built around sharing your thoughts and experiences about what it’s like to nourish your transformed soul day to day on the other side of grief. 

Each session in the Finding Your Way program represents a step along your journey to healing in grief. The core content in each session builds upon and interconnects with the content of the other sessions.

And of course, this is just a brief overview of the abundance of rich content shared in this program. Additionally, new topics emerge from the dynamics within our groups. We’re looking forward to exploring them with you.

The best part—the tools and techniques are tried and true, and the experiential format of the program makes them practical and hands-on. 

How do we know our heart-centered approach works?

We know from personal experience how effective this type of holistic, heart-centered approach can be. We also know that without the wisdom and insights from those who have tried it, we may never have discovered these heart-centered principles.

In our collective 60+ years of leading grief support groups and walking our own talk as we continue integrating our own grief, we’ve seen nothing but positive results from this type of heart-centered approach. 

We’re honored and thrilled to share what we’ve learned—as grievers and facilitators. And we don’t want you to simply take our word for it… 

Take a look at what others are saying about the approach we use in the Finding Your Way program:

This observation came from a fellow griever who attended a different type of weekly grief support. She says,

“When I show up to this [other] group, I feel like… people kind of react to each other's emotional pain, so there's a strong component of validation. Like, ‘I'm here to validate you for how painful your loss is.’ That needs to happen, and that's the value of groups like this. But for me it closes the door to healing and reintegrating your loss into your life. It blocks growth.” 

She went on to say how even though she felt this other support group blocked growth in some ways, her participation in the Finding Your Way approach allowed her to talk about her growth. She goes on to say... 

“You listen. I understand that you’re doing your best to understand my process. And at the same time, there is space for us to talk about growth.”

Another person who is benefitting from our heart-centered approach had a practical observation about his experience with traditional grief counseling:

“I’ve tried counseling and I felt like I was being pushed when I wasn’t ready. It didn’t feel right.”

While we certainly don’t advocate for Finding Your Way to take the place of counseling or be a substitute in any way for mental health treatment, we do acknowledge that our approach offers a balance between authentically mourning the pain of loss and talking about how grief and loss transform our lives. Our approach offers hope, healing and a clear path to growth using a host of realistic and constructive tools to help you navigate your life after loss.

Another client had this to say about how counseling missed the mark in helping her cope with her grief:

“My mental health counselor tried to make me go back to my childhood. And I was like, ‘wait—I’m here to grieve my husband of 50 years. I don’t want to talk about my childhood, nor do I find it relevant.’ ”

The cornerstone of the Finding Your Way program is Dr. Alan Wolfelt’s book, Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart. And as a program participant, you’ll receive a free copy of the book and its companion journal. Here’s what people have said about this valuable book-journal combo:  

“I cannot begin to tell you how this book helped me as I walked through the pain, confusion, and ‘insanity’ back to stability. Thank you for helping give words to what I could not, as well as hope for what I could not yet see.”

“After almost four years on the grief path, this is by far the best book I’ve read to date. I wish I had it at the start of my journey. I recommend Understanding Your Grief to everyone I know.”

“Of all the books I’ve read since my son was killed (and there have been plenty), this one would be at the top of the list. It validates and fortifies the bereaved and it shows the way to integrate grief toward a new life of hope as our loved ones would want us to live.”

“I’ve been feeling lost, and people are unable to see what I’m going through or try to tell me what I should be doing. And then there is this book, which is like a person reaching out and saying, ‘I understand.’ ”

Still wondering if this program is for you?

If the testimonials above didn’t convince you, you may still be wondering if this program is for you. Stated simply…

This program is for you if:

  • You’ve lost a loved one.

  • You’ve experienced a series of losses including the loss of a loved one.

  • You’ve grieved for a long time and still wonder when the process will be complete.

  • You feel like your grief is making you feel crazy.

  • You’ve tried grief support groups and/or counseling and feel like there’s gotta be something more…

  • Your friends and family are unable to support you through your grief.

  • You’re feeling like your faith tradition has been helpful but it isn’t providing you with everything you need.

A Special Invitation to Join Us

The Finding Your Way program is a labor of love and offers a unique, heart-centered approach for those who have lost a loved one and are struggling with their grief. 

If you’ve struggled with wondering what else you can do to find the hope, peace and healing you seek, the Finding Your Way program can help.

When you choose to join Finding Your Way, you’ll get:

  • Weekly Zoom Calls - 1.5 hours each for 12 weeks - These highly educational and interactive calls are a safe space where grief can be discussed and mourning is welcomed and witnessed with compassion and empathy.

  • Understanding Your Grief book by Dr. Alan Wolfelt – Participants automatically receive a copy of this book, which lays out the Ten Touchstones that form the core of the Finding Your Way program. This book has been described in many ways but the one we like best is, “It’s like a warm hug on my heart.”

  • Understanding Your Grief journal – The journal accompanies the book and reinforces the Ten Touchstones principles. Using the journal as intended can bring about profound shifts in perspective along the grief journey.

As one journaler says: “The grief journal … gave me a place to be asked hard questions—questions I didn’t realize needed to be answered.”

  • Additional educational resources - Our course facilitators are a wealth of information and resources. Each session throughout the 12 weeks is jam-packed with supplemental material and links you won’t find collected anywhere else.

  • Accountability partner/companioning support – You’ll be paired with one of your fellow program participants to reinforce learnings and takeaways in the time between the weekly sessions. The power of this type of connection cannot be underestimated.

Of course, there’s no time limit or expiration date on your grief, but we know this program will help you move forward in a positive way to feel a sense of peace and healing in your life. 

and there’s more…


We pulled out all the stops in designing this 12-week program to help you navigate your grief to experience peace and healing. And we added not one, but FOUR incredible bonuses to further support you along your journey. 

Here are the four bonuses you’ll get as a participant in the Finding Your Way program: 

  • A Private 1:1 Companioning Session with a program facilitator

    • Once you become a program participant, you’re invited to schedule a FREE and private, one-hour one-on-one conversation with a program facilitator. Your conversation will center around understanding where you are in your grief journey and exploring how you might continue moving toward integrating your loss into your life.

  • 6 Tools to Track Your Grief Journey with this valuable set of downloadable printable documents:

    • The Mourner’s Bill of Rights

    • How to Cope with Loneliness in Grief

    • The Guilt of Grief Inventory

    • The Anger of Grief Inventory

    • Your Mourning Plan

    • How to Assess and Cope with Grief Overload

Each document plays a key role and provides you with valuable insights as you chart your course and maintain a record of where your journey has taken you.

  • A 3-Month Subscription to the Grief Refuge mobile app

The Grief Refuge mobile app helps you cope with the loss of a loved one. It’s a safe and handy tool for exploring grief-related feelings, learning helpful ways to cope, and finding peace and purpose on your journey. It’s also conveniently accessible - for it is an app on your Smartphone. 

Grief Refuge app features include:

  • Daily Refuge: Meditative musings for daily comfort and support.

  • My Grief Journey: Self-assessment questionnaire to track your healing progress.

  • Journal: Document your thoughts and feelings.

  • Intentions: Focused exercises to manage waves of grief.

  • Ask the Author: Video interview with authors of grief books.

The total dollar value of these bonus items exceeds $450. And each of these valuable bonus offerings is yours when you sign up for the program. 

Your program enrollment investment of just $799 brings you wisdom, insights, and the catalysts for profound shifts in how you heal as you learn to integrate your loss into your life. You’ll benefit from heart-centered support, accumulate a treasure trove of practical tools and resources for integrating grief into your life, and you’ll emerge transformed.

We understand this investment may seem like a lot. But week by week, it’s less than the price of a tank of gas, a couple of meals out, or a counseling session.

And we know from long experience your hope and healing is worth way more than that… 

Our Money Back Guarantee

We’re confident our approach will help you, and you have nothing to lose when you sign up for the Finding Your Way program because our offer comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. 

Try the program for 30 days. In that amount of time, you’ll have attended 4 weekly sessions. During the 30 days, of course, we expect you to show up and do the work. 

If, after 30 days of full participation in which you give the program and your fellow participants a fair chance, you don’t think the program is right for you, let us know, and we’ll give you your money back. 

The book and journal are yours to keep.