Grief Refuge

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As a Grieving Spouse…

This recorded Grief Refuge podcast conversation is a story about love, loss, and repair. Repair in a sense of how a person with a broken heart got support and was able to put the pieces back together again. 

On this podcast episode, I interview Marv Weidner, a grieving spouse who authentically articulates his grief and healing  journey. 

There’s so much beauty in this conversation because Marv speaks from his heart, is honest, and shares important things he experienced to aid in his healing. We hope this Grief Refuge podcast episode helps support you on your own grief journey.

BONUS: This is Part 1 of a 2 Part series. In Part 2, you will hear insights and reflections from Marv’s Grief Counselor, Carol Goldfain.

But for now, enjoy the conversation with Marv. Find and listen to the full episode on the Podcast page.