Grief Quotes January 2, 2024

“What no one told me about grief is how lonely it is. No matter who else is mourning, you’re in your own little cell." - Jan Werner

“What no one told me about grief is how lonely it is. No matter who else is mourning, you’re in your own little cell." - Jan Werner

Loneliness is a major struggle when grieving, no matter how or when your special person(s) passed.

You can be sitting in a room full of people who had also lost their special person and still feel lonely. You don't have to be in complete isolation to feel this way.

Loneliness is a real part of the grief journey. If it's true for you, you need ways to be soothed and comforted.

If you don't know about the Grief Refuge app and you are lonely right now, download it from your phone's app store. It will help soothe and support you 💚

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Grief Quotes January 5, 2024


Grief Quotes December 29, 2023