Grief Refuge

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How Complicated Relationships Impact Grief, Mourning, and Healing

In your grief, have you ever asked yourself “Who am I without my special person?” Have you thought about certain things that made your relationship complicated and how that might impact your grieving process?

If so, you will love this Grief Refuge podcast guest interview with Kate Burns. Kate opens up to share some of the hard truths about the loss of her mother and the journey she’s embarked on to embrace a self-identity that comes from within.

I am deeply touched by Kate’s vulnerability, honesty, and insightfulness. This is a deep conversation that makes you think about the many complications we encounter in a relationship, even more so with someone who suffers from an addiction, and how to manage and work through grief. 

Listen to the full episode here. And if you need more support for your grief journey, download the Grief Refuge app for daily comfort, care, and to feel soothed as you navigate your day-to-day living while experiencing grief (on iOS and Android).